Five art students and a tutor from Nottingham Trent University,UK on a visit to Tokyo. Staging an exhibition in collaboration with students from Musashino Arts University and a performance event. explore what international collaboration is all about. The exhibition is called "Traversing Territories". In March 2006 students from Tokyo are coming to Nottingham to do the same. The start of a long relationship. I`ll tell you all about it and show you the pictures.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


So how were we going to work together. We decided to dramatise things by booking a webcast with Active Ingredients\ Make TV. We then had to come up with something to fill the slot. With the help of some very perceptive translation support and lots of gestures we put together a short "countdown" from one to nine (a count-up really) done with objects and performance. It went out live on `Make TV` and looked lovely -except for my own mess up on number two.
Both groups are capable of sharp thinking and good ideas-the workshop has built up our confidence in collaborating together.


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