Five art students and a tutor from Nottingham Trent University,UK on a visit to Tokyo. Staging an exhibition in collaboration with students from Musashino Arts University and a performance event. explore what international collaboration is all about. The exhibition is called "Traversing Territories". In March 2006 students from Tokyo are coming to Nottingham to do the same. The start of a long relationship. I`ll tell you all about it and show you the pictures.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Began with missed alarm clock and a dash through the rain. Everyone in Japan has an umbrella except us.
Workshop down in the exhibition space.Professor Nakajima, choreographs a dance piece involving Izumi Noguchi, a "eurythmics dancer" performing with cameras attached to her arms and legs. We set up a webstream of the rehearsal on Active Ingredients ` Make TV ` and webcast about 15 minutes of dance. It looked very good.
When we came to webcast the actual performance for some reason the webcast stops after 3 seconds. Which is a shame. We are really testing this system for the first time so we expect problems. Messages are winging their way to Nottingham at this very moment.
Lunchtime -A meeting is convene around the childrens workshop to be delivered on Saturday. In their absence it is decided that for the children Johnny will dress up as Little John and Michael as Robin Hood. They are not happy. (Emma will be Friar Tuck)
Afternoon. Big meeting about our show at Superdeluxe on Tuesday night. 14 Acts in three hours. Performances, collaborations, videos, music and webcasts. Phew -quite a night. We rustle it into shape in a bi-lingual meeting. The real problem about these meetings is that the jokes never get translated - so one half of the meeting laughs whilst the other looks glum-then vice versa.
Another sushi reception tonight -for a visiting Korean artist. As the party draws to a close the visiting artist suddenly launches into a whistling rendition of what I can only imagine is a popular Korean song. To universal acclaim he finishes off whistling an electrifying version of Danny Boy.
Home to write this damn blog.


Blogger Jeanie said...

Oh dear frank, don't feel bad about the blog. I know it's another task but when you return you will be glad to captued the madness. Repeat after me "I must blog in the present". (I must repeat this myself as a lapsed blogger) Remember we are reading! Watched the countdown and performance on Maketv, look fab. remember - gambate and atsakara samu deshita. Matane Jeanie x

3:06 PM  

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