Five art students and a tutor from Nottingham Trent University,UK on a visit to Tokyo. Staging an exhibition in collaboration with students from Musashino Arts University and a performance event. explore what international collaboration is all about. The exhibition is called "Traversing Territories". In March 2006 students from Tokyo are coming to Nottingham to do the same. The start of a long relationship. I`ll tell you all about it and show you the pictures.

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Greetings all, now that Frank Abbot-san has departed, the burden of the blog falls to another Brit abroad - thank your lucky stars it was someone as dependable and sober in mind and body as i.

As our time in japan comes to an end, it seems important to attempt some explanation of just what kind of madness went on here - what do we know now that we didn`t before? How did this cultural exchange add to the work of students on both sides? Unfortunately, Having spent last night singing karaoke (free drink included) till seven in the morning, it may be of more use to tell of some of the adventures we have had in this vast megopolis.

Perhaps the funniest and downright filthiest part of our excursion occured just a few days into the trip - when Rosie and Jemima, having washed their clothes for the first time in japan -innocently hung their clobber out to dry. Now There`s nothing wrong with that is there?? Well, apparently that`s not quite the case - as the next morning, when our gals went to bring their clothes; there were no knickers left! Not one. You can leave a laptop outside here for a week and no-one would touch it, but when hanging out underwear you`d better lock protect the bastards.

One of my favourite aspects of our time here, has been the communication issues between students. The progression from the tentative first steps of a `konichiwa` bawled out with typical english clumsiness to the now often lengthy dialogues that are happening all over the place. Most japanese students have great patience when attempting an explanation of terms or ideas - it stands in great contrast to the regular babble of communication between two people.

Some terms have now been immortalised in musabi folklore...
orange balls - Some form of salmon egg used in various japanese dishes, johnny struggled with these and now just to mention the name is enough to arouse laughter all round.

Facking delicious - My attempt to translate cho oishi to english

Fresh Fruit - Fruit in general has now become a great humour lynchpin - mainly due to franks quite bizarre and not a little distressing obsession with the stuff.

Unfortunately, Rosie has gone missing with her camera, so this blog is picture-less, i will however upload plenty of images over the next few days so check back soon.

Now i must hurry back as it seems our karaoke escapades have had some rather serious repercussions and certain bad creases must be smoothed out.

mike lomon


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