Five art students and a tutor from Nottingham Trent University,UK on a visit to Tokyo. Staging an exhibition in collaboration with students from Musashino Arts University and a performance event. explore what international collaboration is all about. The exhibition is called "Traversing Territories". In March 2006 students from Tokyo are coming to Nottingham to do the same. The start of a long relationship. I`ll tell you all about it and show you the pictures.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

DAY TEN Opening the Musabi Show

After last nights show at Superdeluxe we get in to finish the installation of the Musabi show. I take part in assessment tutorials all day with Professor Charles and Professor Nakajima. Its reassuring to find we seem to agree on most aspects of the strength and weakness of individual students work. And I don't think they are just being kind or accomodating -I think that there is the possibility to agree ,or disagree, on art and design issues within an international context and if people are honest and explicit about where they are coming from then a valuable dialoue can take place. The students seem to be finding this aswell. When they talk about work, despite the language difficulties, they can have quite complex exchanges. When they just talk pleasantries the conversation soon dies and the effort to understand becomes too much.
The Musabi show opens on time and looks pretty good. We have some posh pics taken of it, not like my efforts on the blog. A series of performances kick off the show, and it is a shame that we have o turn the sound off on the exhibits to allow the pewrformances to take place. As I leave on Friday it means I will not see the whole how running with all the sound at the same time. (thats perhaps a good thing, it could be a complete mess)


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